
龙头企业数量特征对集群创新绩效影响的实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Study of How the Quantitative Characteristics of Leading Firms Influence Innovative Performance of Clusters
摘要 基于组织学习及集群创新的相关研究进展,以苏南特色产业基地为样本,实证研究了集群龙头企业规模、总量、比重等数量特征对集群创新绩效的作用。研究结果表明,龙头企业相对数比其绝对数对集群创新绩效的作用更为显著;龙头企业绝对数及在集群内的比重并不是越大越好;相反,龙头企业占比越小,集群研发投入和创新绩效越好;龙头企业平均规模越大,集群研发投入越多,集群创新绩效也越好。 Based on the study of organizational learning and cluster innovation,we analyze the influence of quantitative characteristics including number,proportion and scales of leading firms on innovative performance of industrial clusters, using data in Sunan region.The result shows that the relative number of leading firms as a structural variable is more meaningful for innovative performance of clusters than the absolute number of leading firms.At the same time,it is not the more the number and the greater the proportion of leading firms,the better the innovative performance of industrial clusters.Instead the proportion of leading firms is negatively correlated with innovative performance of clusters.Empirical results also show that the larger the average scale of leading firms,the better innovative performance of clusters.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第24期86-90,共5页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70973045) 江苏省教育厅项目(2010SJB790005) 江苏大学基金项目(11JDG180)
关键词 集群创新 龙头企业 创新绩效 特色产业基地 Cluster Leading Firms R&D Innovative Performance Special Industrial Base
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