
鼓膜置管治疗难治性分泌性中耳炎鼓膜穿孔危险因素分析 被引量:45

Factors Affecting Tympanic Membrane Perforation in Refractory Secretory Otitis Media after the Extubation of Ventilation Tube
摘要 目的探讨鼓膜通气管治疗难治性分泌性中耳炎后,患侧鼓膜永久性穿孔的危险因素。方法回顾性分析1998年6月-2013年3月收治的病程超过2年的121例(210耳)难治性分泌性中耳炎患者的临床资料,其中穿孔组58例(105耳),对照组(未穿孔组)63例(105耳)。所有患者均使用Goode—T型或Shepard哑铃型通气管行鼓膜置管治疗,分析可能影响患侧鼓膜永久性穿孔的因素,包括性别、年龄、病程、通气管类型、置管史、置管次数、鼓膜表象、置管位置、中耳腔积液性质、是否行腺样体切除术及拔管时间等。结果单因素分析显示,穿孔组Goode-T型通气管、有置管史、置管次数(3次以上)、中耳腔粘液性积液分别占58.4%、57.3%、66.7%和57.9%,且均高于对照组(均为P〈0.01)。Logistic回归分析提示无论采用何种通气管,置管次数增多则患侧鼓膜永久性穿孔的风险增加,采用Goode-T型管较Shepard哑铃型管鼓膜发生穿孔的危险性增加1.637倍(OR=1.637,P〈0.01)。结论难治性分泌性中耳炎患者鼓膜置管术后,使用Goode-T型通气管、有置管史、置管次数(3次以上)和中耳腔积液为黏液性四因素为鼓膜永久性穿孔的危险因素。 Objective To explore the treatment using two different ventilation tubes insertion for secretory o-titis media, and to determine which factors are associated with the tympanic membrane perforation after a extrusion or surgical removal of a ventilation tube(VT). Methods A retrospective analysis of 121 cases (210 ears) with re-fractory secretory otitis media from 1998 June to 2013 March was carried out. There were 58 cases (105 ears ) and 63 cases (105 ears) in patients and control group, respectively. All subjects had more than 2 years of history, and were treated by two types of ventilation tube (Goode-T and Shepard tube). Various factors were analyzed to deter- mine the factors associated with persistence of a tympanic membrane perforation after VT extrusion or removal , in- cluding gender, age, medical history, ventilation tube pattern, location , history of previous VT insertions, intuba-tion period reason for VT insertion, condition of the TM, nature of the tympanic cavity effusion and previous ade-noidectomy,et. Results Analysis factors of perforation group (105 ears) and the control g,'oup (without perfora-tion, 105 ears), were statistically significant in ventilation tube pattern(x^2= 6. 916, P〈0.01), history of previous VT insertions(X^2 = 7. 325, P〈0.01), frequency of previous VT insertions (X^2= 13.01, P〈0.01 ) and the nature of the tympanic cavity effusion(X^2=7.04 ,P〈0.01). The proportion of perforation group about Goode - T ventilation tube, history of previous VT insertions, the frequency of tube (more than 3 times), mucus of the middle ear cavity were 58.4%, 57.3%, 66.7% and 57.9% respectively,others had no significant difference between the two groups. The multivariate analysis showed that, regardless of the ventilation tube, the frequency of tube was the tympanic membrane perforation risk factor; Goode-T tube increased the risk of perforation of tympanic membrane was 1. 637 times than Shepard tube(OR=1. 637,P〈0.01). Oonclusion Using the Goode - T type ventilation tube, history of previous VT insertions, the frequency of tube (more than 3 times), mucus of the middle ear cavity were four risk factors for persistence of a tympanic membrane perforation after VT insertion for secretory otitis media.
出处 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期56-59,共4页 Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology
关键词 分泌性中耳炎 难治性 鼓膜通气管 穿孔 危险因素 Secretory otitis media Refractory, Ventilation tube Perforation Risk factors
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