

Clinical Analysis of Vitiligo in Zhongshan
摘要 目的分析中山地区白癜风患者的临床资料,总结白癜风发病特点,探讨白癜风发病机制。方法对90例至我院皮肤科门诊就诊的白癜风患者进行问卷调查,对各种可能涉及的因素进行统计分析。结果92.2%的患者在0~40岁范围内首次发病,发病高峰为6~30岁,该年龄段占发病总数的63.3%;其中局限型(35.6%)、散在型(22.2%)、神经节段型(18.9%)、泛发型(12.2%)、肢端型(11.1%);有阳性家族史者为22.2%,有明显发病诱因者为41.1%,夏季发病者为52.5%。结论①大龄儿童、青少年是白癜风的高发人群,其次是40岁以下壮年,再次是幼儿;②40岁以上发病率明显降低,男性发病年龄早于女性;③精神神经心理因素对发病的影响不可轻视,平素精神紧张、压力过大者更易患病;④夏季为白癜风的高发季节;阳性家族史、过度日晒可能为罹患白癜风的危险因素。 Objective To summarize clinical characteristics of vitiligo and explore the pathogenesis of vitiligo by analyzing clinical data of patients with vitiligo in Zhongshan. Methods Questionnaires were handed out to 90 patients with vitiligo, and statistical analysis were conducted including all related factors. Results The age of the first onset was 0 - 40 in 92.2% patients, and the peak age of onset was 6 - 30 (63.3%). Localized vitiligo, sporadic vitiligo, segmental vitiligo, generalized vitiligo, acral vitiligo accounted for 35.6%, 22.2%, 18.9%, 12.2% and 11.1% respectively. Patients with positive family history, significant predisposing factors and summer incidence accounted for 22.2% ,41.1% and 52.5% respectively. Conclusion (1)Older children and adolescents are high - risk groups of vitiligo, followed by adults below 40 years old and young children ; (2)Mobility is significantly lower in adults above 40 years old. The age of onset is earlier in men than in women;(3)Neuropsychiatric psychological factors are important in the onset of vitiligo, especially mental tension and stressed out. (4)Summer is the high incidence season of vitiligo. Positive family history and overexposure to the sun may be risk factors of vitiligo.
出处 《医学新知》 CAS 2013年第6期414-416,共3页 New Medicine
关键词 白癜风 发病机制 流行病学 Vitiligo Pathogenesis Epidemiology
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