
妇科良性疾病患者外周血HE4水平的分布状况研究 被引量:5

Serum Level of the Ovarian Cancer Biomarker HE4 in Benign Gynecologic Dieases
摘要 目的:研究妇科良性疾病患者外周血人附睾蛋白4(HE4)水平的分布情况,为临床对妇科良恶性疾病的鉴别诊断提供一定的帮助。方法:依据临床诊断和手术病理检查结果,选取940例妇科良性疾病患者,采用化学发光法测定患者外周血HE4水平,研究妇科良性疾病患者中HE4水平与疾病种类和年龄的关系,数据分析使用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计学分析。结果:妇科良性疾病患者外周血HE4的测定值均低于140 pmol/L,最高测定值97.32 pmol/L。妇科良性疾病患者外周血中HE4水平随着年龄的增长而升高,所有研究对象外周血HE4水平的第95%百分位数水平是65.44 pmol/L,<40岁患者外周血HE4水平的第95%百分位数水平61.14pmol/L,≥40岁患者外周血HE4水平的第95%百分位数水平66.39 pmol/L。结论:妇科良性疾病患者外周血HE4水平随着年龄的增长而升高,利用HE4进行良恶性疾病的诊断时应考虑到患者年龄的因素。 Objective:The aim of the study was to analyze the serum level of HE4 in benign gynecologic diseases contributing to the differential diagnosis between benign gynecologic diseases and ovarian cancer. Methods :940 women with benign gynecologic diseases were enrolled in this study,including 106 with ovarian benign tumor,95 with ovarian cyst, 157 with teratoma, 252 with endometriosis, 235 with uterine fibroids, 77 with adenomyosis and 18 with hydrosalpinx. Serum HE4 levels in 940 patients were examined and analyzed according to disease type and age. Upper 95th percentiles were determined for the range in benign gyneco- logic diseases. Results :The highest value of HE4 in benign gynecologic diseases was 97. 32 pmol/L. Over the age of 40-year significant elevation in HE4 level emerged with advancing age. The upper 95th percentile for HE4 level was 65.44 pmol/L for all of patients, 61.14 pmol/L for patients less than 40-year old, and 66.39 pmol/L for patients over 40-yearold. Conclusions:Serum HE4 level varies significantly on the basis of age in benign gynecologic diseases. The variations should be considered in the differential diagnosis between benign gynecologic diseases and ovarian cancer.
出处 《实用妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期46-49,共4页 Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 肿瘤标志物 人附睾蛋白4 妇科良性疾病 年龄 Biomarker Human epididymis protein 4 Benign gynecologic disorders Age
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