介绍了敏捷供需链中订单计划执行过程及其特征。指出由于订单执行计划的不确定性 ,致使已有的工作流过程定义方式无法描述执行机构模型 ,在此基础上提出了采用面向对象技术和数据库触发机制相结合的解决方法。同时根据执行机构的分布性、异构性等特点 ,给出了敏捷供需链执行机构的逻辑结构和实现形式。
This paper presents the features of order executive pl ans in the agile supply chain. The fact th at the old workflow process definition can hardly described the model of the exe cutive part because of the uncertainty of the order plans was pointed out. Based on that reality, we used the methods of oriented-object and trigger mechanism t o build the process definition model. Meanwhile, according to the distribution a nd heterology of the executive part, the logical configuration and the implement a tion form of the executive part were given. Finally, we stressed the proble ms and concepts of executive part in agile supply chain which used the workflow technology.
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