

Five Issues on China's Management over Diaoyu Islands Sea Area
摘要 中国目前对钓鱼岛海域的管理,有认识问题和应对挑战的问题,两者不可分。一种全面透彻的认识,利于制定恰当的应对方式。为此,必先认识钓鱼岛问题的来龙去脉,以便理性地坚持立场。从国际法的角度看,中方执法维权的立场有充分理据,这是中方的底气所在。但中方在情态上要知己、知彼、知他。从原因和现实的角度看,解决钓鱼岛问题有中美之间协调、两岸之间协调、中日之间直接博弈等三个路向。中日之间的直接博弈,有5种可能的前景。目前中方应在全面认识的基础上,进行坚决的有底气的执法维权。但钓鱼岛问题的解决,还需更多时间和国际政治空间。 For China's management over Diaoyu Islands Sea Area, there are two inseparable issues, one is how to recognize the Sino-Japanese dispute, and the other is how to deal with it. An overall understanding of the dispute is helpful to find a right way in dealing with it. That is to say, in order to maintain the position in a rational manner, the Diaoyu Islands issue should be understood historically from view of international politics. From the view of international law, China's cruising on Diaoyu Islands sea water has adequate foundation,and this gives China an absolute confidence in doing so. But China should know the situation of themselves, the Japanese's, and the other's. For a historical reason and with a complicated reality, China has three basic ways of dealing with the Diaoyu Island issue. The first is to coordinate with the Americans. The second is to coordinate with Taiwan Residents, and the third is to directly confront with Japanese. Anyway, the confrontation between China and Japan over Diaoyu Islands wouldbe 5 possible outcomes. Now China should mountain her ongoing law enforcement of cruising activities based on an overall recognition of the issue. But the final solution of the dispute still needs more time and space in international politics.
作者 王鸿生
出处 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第6期744-748,776,共6页 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中国太平洋学会学术研究工作委员会(海洋出版社)委托北京自然辩证法研究会项目"中国海洋管理哲学研究--中国海洋管理哲学大纲与海洋文化专题"
关键词 钓鱼岛 海域管理 认识和应对 五个问题 Diaoyu Islands the management of sea area awareness and response five issues
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