
基于电流体动力学的电驱动纳米模塑技术 被引量:2

Electrically Driven Nano-molding Technique Based on Electrohydrodynamics
摘要 目前,作为集成电路以及纳米加工主流工艺的光学光刻技术,由于其受到光学衍射极限的物理限制,在16nm线宽及其以下节点的结构制造中,其技术复杂性和设备制造成本大大增加。纳米压印作为一种高分辨率、高效率、低成本和操作过程简单的技术,引起了各国研究人员的广泛关注。然而纳米压印中不可避免引入的机械压力又会引发纳米结构几何变形、变尺寸结构填充不均匀等问题。本项目针对常规纳米压印存在的问题,基于介电聚合物的电流体动力学行为研究,提出了利用电场力替代机械力的电驱动模塑技术,在保持纳米压印突出优势的前提下,克服或避免了机械压力引发的技术性难题,成功实现了15nm节点结构的高保真复型以及深宽比8的大深宽比纳米结构成型。 As the mainstream process for integratedcircuit and nano-fabrication, the conventional optical lithography process has been troubled by the optical diffraction in- herent in this technology, which tends to make the pat- teming at 16nm linewidth or below prohibitively compli- cated and expensive. While the nanoimprint lithography has drawn a wide attention due to its highe resolution, high efficiency, cost-effectiveness and simple operation, it has been challenged by the structural distortion and non-uniformly duplication with varying size due to the application of a mechanical pressure. According to the challenge of the nanoimprint lithography and based on an electrohydrodynamic analysis of dielectric polymer, our research group has proposed an electrically driven nano-molding utilizing an electrostatic interface pressure instead of the mechanical pressure to duplicate arbitrary nano-structures with high fidelity. This technique not only retains the superiority of the nanoimprint lithogra- phy but can also avoid the technical challenges incurred by the mechanical pressure, demonstrating a capability of generating nano-structures with a feature linewidth of 15nm and nano-structures with an aspect ratio of 8.
出处 《中国基础科学》 2013年第3期27-29,共3页 China Basic Science
基金 973计划(2009CB724202) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目(90923040)
关键词 纳米制造 集成电路 电驱动模塑技术 nano-fabrication integrated circuit elec-trically driven nano-molding
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