
2008—2012年太湖水源饮用水卫生监测结果分析 被引量:7

Monitoring Results on Quality of Drinking Water Sourced from Taihu Lake in 2008—2012
摘要 目的及时监测预警生活饮用水水质状况,建立健全太湖地区生活饮用水卫生监测体系,保障人民群众生活饮用水安全。方法根据江苏省卫生厅2008年《太湖水源生活饮用水监测方案》要求,选择以太湖为水源的无锡、苏州共12个集中式供水单位的出厂水及末梢水进行监测,监测指标为106项全分析。结果 2008—2012年117份全分析水样,共有6份水样不合格,合格率为94.9%,超标的项目为常规指标4项,分别为总大肠菌群、菌落总数、臭和味、铝,非常规指标1项(氨氮)。主要不合格项为微生物指标、感官性状和一般化学指标。结论 106项指标中尽管很多指标没有超标,但是有一定比例接近标准限值,常规42项指标能够基本反映太湖水源无锡、苏州两地水质的卫生状况。 Objectives Monitoring and early warning the quality of drinking water to ensure the safety of drinking water sourced from the Taihu lake. Methods According to the requirement of ' The program of monitoring the quality of drinking water sourced from the Taihu lake' issued by the Department of Health of Jiangsu Province in 2008, twelve central water supply units in Wuxi and Suzhou city which using water from the Taihu lake as water source were selected. The quality of 117 pairs of water samples both from the finished water of water supply units and peripheral water was monitored and assessed by a total analysis including 106 indices. Results The quality of 6 from 117 drinking water samples were unqualified in 2008--2012, and the percent of pass rate was 94.9%. Four items in regular indices (total eoliforms, total plate count, odor and taste and aluminum) and one items in non- regular indices (ammonia nitrogen) exceeded the standard limits. Conclusions In spite of many indices in water quality assessment were not exceeded the limits, some of them were very close to the limits. Forty two items of regular indices could reflect the quality of drinking water.
出处 《环境卫生学杂志》 北大核心 2013年第6期557-559,565,共4页 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE
关键词 太湖 饮用水 卫生 监测 Taihu lake, drinking water, hygiene, monitoring
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