对汽车油压警报灯闪亮的原因进行了分析 ,指出该问题的产生与许多因素有关 ,应有针对性地及时处理。在发动机工况正常的情况下 ,选用粘度适宜、质量符合要求的多级发动机油 ,完全可以满足发动机的正常润滑。对于工况较差、配合部位间隙过大的发动机 ,可采用高粘度机油来维持要求的油压 ,但可能掩盖发动机存在的隐患 。
Having analysed the causes of alarm lamp flashing for oil pressure in automobile,pointed that it is concerned with many factors and should handle on time.Selecting multigrade engine oil of proper viscosity and quality grade can meet the lubrication requirements of engines under normal conditions.For engines which are under poor conditions,selecting engine oil of high viscosity grade can meet the required oil pressure.However this method may conceal the problems of engines.It is not recommended here.
Lubricating Oil