
海上保险及其立法起源考 被引量:3

Study on the origin of marine insurance and its legislation
摘要 海上保险及其立法的起源是海上贸易发展史以及海法史的重要组成部分。通过对海上保险以及海法历史著作的研究,认为现代意义上的海上保险起源于船货抵押借款制度并在13世纪的意大利经过"假借贷"的过渡发展为现代意义上的海上保险。在海上保险立法方面,有关船货抵押借款制度的法律规定可被视海上保险立法的萌芽,而现代海上保险的立法则开端于14世纪的地中海地区,并且各地区或国家的早期海上保险立法存在着很大的相似性。对于中国来说,海上保险完全是一个舶来品,而中国海上保险事业真正开始有法可依是在新中国成立后。 The origin of marine insurance and its legislation is an important component of the history of seaborne trade and sea laws. By researching the historical works of marine insurance and sea laws, it is believed that modern marine insurance stem- med from the practice of maritime loan, with the transition of Mutuum Gratis et Amore in 13th century. As to the develop- ment of marine insurance law, the legislation of maritime loan can be treated as the germ of marine insurance law and the be- ginning of modern marine insurance law can be traced back to 14th century in the Mediterranean area, with the characteristic that the early legislations of marine insurance in different countries and areas are similar. As for China, the import of marine insurance was an outcome of economy aggression and there was no effective legislation for marine insurance until the founda- tion of the People' s Republic of China.
出处 《中国海商法研究》 CSSCI 2013年第4期34-40,共7页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
基金 中国法学会部级法学研究课题"中国航运保险业发展的法律保障研究"[CLS(2012)B17] 辽宁省教育厅高等学校科研项目计划"东北亚国际航运中心建设中新型物流责任保险法律问题研究"(2009JD05)
关键词 海上保险 船货抵押借款 立法起源 marine insurance maritime loan origin of legislations
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