
国际海底区域生物资源法律属性探析 被引量:6

An analysis of the legal attributes of living resources in international seabed area
摘要 国际海底区域生物资源具有极高的科研价值和商业价值,但作为晚近发现的资源,现有的国际法尚未对其法律属性做出明确规定。国际社会基于各自利益考量,形成了两种截然不同的主张。从各国的争议出发,分析公海自由原则和人类共同继承财产原则的历史发展和内容,并结合国际海底区域生物资源本身的特征,对该资源的法律属性进行论证,同时为中国如何应对该资源的开发提出建议,以期在该资源开发利用争夺战中,取得与中国地位相符的一席之地。 Living resources in international seabed area are of great value in scientific research and business. However, as a new type of resources discovered lately, there exists no international rules to regulate their legal attributes. There are two totally different claims in the international community based on different interests of States. This paper, begins with current States' disputes, analyses the history and connotation of the two principles, namely freedom of the high seas and the common heritage of mankind, as well as legal attributes of living resources in international seabed area in light of their own character- istics. Further, some adviees for exploitation of the resources are provided to help China gain its position in the race for living resources in international seabed area.
作者 张善宝
出处 《中国海商法研究》 CSSCI 2013年第4期94-100,共7页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
关键词 国际海底区域 生物资源 法律属性 公海自由 人类共同继承财产 international seabed area living resources legal attributes freedom of the high seas common heritage of mankind
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