
高校教师工作特征问卷的编制 被引量:2

Development of University Teachers' Job Characteristics Questionnaire
摘要 在回顾有关工作特征相关研究的基础上,对自编《高校教师工作特征问卷》进行了信、效度检验。被试为天津市12所高校的560名教师。最终问卷包括17个项目,分为四个维度:技能多样性、任务重要性、自主性和工作反馈。从各项指标来看,该问卷具有较高的信、效度,可作为评价高校教师工作特征的适宜测量工具。 We examine the reliability and validity of self-developed university teachers' job characteristics questionnaire based on reviewing research of job characteristic. The questionnaire was formally tested by 560 teachers of 12 uni- versities in Tianjin. On the basis of the preliminary survey, the final draft includes 17 items and is divided into four dimensions: skill variety, task significance, autonomy and feedback, which has the overall model better fitting de- gree, shows that the questionnaire has good reliability and validity. It would be used as a suitable evaluation tool of university teachers' job characteristics.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2013年第6期792-795,共4页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 教育部人文社会科学重大课题项目(02JAZJDXLX004)的资助
关键词 工作特征 高校教师 天津市 job characteristic, university teachers, Tianjin.
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