
不同喷雾干燥温度对乳蛋白浓缩物加工性质的影响 被引量:11

Effect of spray drying temperature on the functionality of milk protein concentrate
摘要 研究了不同喷雾干燥温度130℃(进口温度)/65℃(出口温度),160℃/78℃和190℃/93℃对乳蛋白浓缩物(MPC)的乳清蛋白变性率(WPD)、水分含量、粒径大小及其分布、溶解性和MPC颗粒微观结构的影响。结果表明:以喷雾干燥前浓缩液作为对照,不同喷雾干燥温度对WPD并没有显著性影响(P>0.05);随着喷雾干燥温度的升高,MPC的水分含量降低,粒径增加(P<0.05);MPC的溶解性随着喷雾干燥温度的升高而降低(P<0.05),采用SDS-PAGE测定MPC中的可溶性蛋白发现,不溶性的蛋白主要是酪蛋白,可溶解的乳清蛋白含量尤其是β乳球蛋白的含量较为稳定,没有显著的变化(P>0.05);不同喷雾干燥温度下MPC的颗粒形态不同,190℃/93℃喷雾干燥生产的MPC表面呈褶皱状。 The objective of this work was to comparatively explore the impact of different spray-drying temperature on the functionality of milk protein concentrate(MPC). The results showed that the changes of the whey protein denaturation(WPD) was insignificant(P0.05). As the spray-drying temperature increased, several functionality of MPC including the moisture content, particle size and solubility have changed significant(P0.05). The results indicated that the solubility of MPC particles deteriorated with increasing inlet air temperature with increasing protein denaturation. SDS-PAGE results suggested that the insoluble material were primarily casein rather than heat sensitive whey protein. The particle morphologies obtained from lower inlet air temperature appeared spherical whereas the one from higher inlet air temperature appeared deflated.
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第1期42-47,共6页 Food Science and Technology
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划课题(2013BAD18B02)
关键词 乳蛋白浓缩物 喷雾干燥温度 溶解性 加工特性 milk protein concentrate spray drying temperature solubility functionality
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