
未来电网运行形态研究 被引量:7

Operation morphology design for future power grids
摘要 电网的运行形态指电网的运行和调度方式,它描述了电网中能量和信息的流动情况。未来电网运行形态的研究是对现阶段电网发展方向的一种预测,其结果将为电网规划设计、设备研发和标准制定提供战略参考。本文回顾了电网运行形态的发展历史,并在分析电网发展驱动因素的基础上,结合对未来电网在供应侧与需求侧重大结构变化的预测,设计了未来电网的运行形态。研究表明,需求侧的发展与变化将是未来电网运行和调度的重要特点,它使得未来电网中能量和信息的流动形式更为灵活同时也更为复杂。这样一种未来电网运行形态的实现,依赖于需求侧响应、微电网等关键技术的支撑。 Operation morphology describes how energy and information flow in the power grid, which contains operation and dispatching of the grid. Power system operation is experiencing transformation under the development trends of smart grid. With the massive introduction of renewable energy resources and smart grid technologies in power grids, it is desirable to know what operation morphology future power grids will have. This paper reviews the evolution of power grid operation morphology and analyzes the drivers for the operation development. Based on the review and analysis results, a new operation morphology considering the changes of grid infrastructure is proposed for future power grids. According to the research, development and changes of demand side are key features of future power grid, which make energy flow and information flow more flexible and complicated. The key technologies including energy storage, demand side response, micro grid and distributed agent are discussed for the realization of the designed operation morphology.
出处 《电工电能新技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期58-65,共8页 Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy
基金 国家电网公司重大科技项目(SGKJ[2009]12)
关键词 未来电网 运行形态 需求侧响应 微电网 future power grid operation morphology demand side response micro gird
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