包世臣是清代后期优秀的经世致用思想家之一,其《郡县农政》一书集中了丰富 的农业技术思想内容。本文在考察他的农业技术思想框架和相应的广义农业观念的 前提下,对其多种经营技术思想的传统渊源、现实基础进行探讨,重点论述这一思想 的具体表现,进而讨论其因地制宜的多种经营规划思想以及珍惜民力以实现多种经 营的农政思想。
Bao Shichen (1775-1855) was one of the excellent thinkers in the late Qing Dynasty. This article studies the most fundamental part of his thought. First, it deals with Bao's overall thought frame of agricultural technology, and correspondingly, his agricultural viewpoint in a broad sense. Second, it probes the origin and development of Bao's thought of diversified economy. Third, most importantly, it investigates how this thought is been revealed in planting, sideline, forestry, animal husbandry and aquatic cultivation. Fourth, it discusses that Bao suits measures to local conditions and meticulously plans land utilization to develop diversified economy. Fifth, it proves that Bao strenuously appeals for full treasuring and using of agricultural labor force to implement his basic thought. This thought links Chinese ancient and modern agriculture, therefore, it is glaringly noteworthy.
Agricultural History of China