
帕金森病大鼠黑质致密部IgG蛋白的表达变化 被引量:1

Changes of IgG expression in substantia nigra par compacta of Parkinson's disease rats models
摘要 目的研究帕金森病(Parkinson disease,PD)模型大鼠黑质致密部免疫球蛋白G(immunoglobulin G,IgG)的表达变化,探讨其在PD发病中的作用。方法经单侧微量注射神经毒素6-羟多巴胺(6-hydroxydopamine,6-OHDA)制备PD大鼠模型。采用免疫组化方法检测对照组大鼠双侧、模型组大鼠健侧及损毁侧黑质致密部酪氨酸羟化酶(tyrosine hydroxylase,TH)阳性神经元、IgG阳性细胞数目及积分光密度值(integrated option density,IOD)比值的变化。结果模型组PD大鼠损毁侧TH阳性神经元数量较健侧明显减少(P<0.01),正常组大鼠和模型组大鼠黑质致密部均有IgG阳性细胞存在,但是模型组大鼠损毁侧致密部IgG阳性细胞数量明显增加(P<0.01),染色深。结论 PD大鼠黑质致密部细胞IgG蛋白表达增加,表明IgG参与了PD的发生。 Objective To investigate the changes of immunoglobulin G (IgG) expression in substantia nigra par compacta of Parkinson' s disease (PD) rat models,and to explore the role of IgG in the pathophysiology mechanism of PD.Methods PD rat models were established by microinjection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) solution into the substantia nigra of the right side of the rat brain.Fifteen PD rats served as the model group and 5 adult normal rats were injected with saline instead of 6-OHDA as the control group.The expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive neurons,the number of IgG positive cells,and the integrated option density (IOD) ratios of substantia nigra par compacta of rats in the two groups were examined by immunohistochemical methods.Results There were only a few TH positive cells in the lesioned side of the model group.The differences between the ratios of the TH-positive cells of lesioned side to the normal side in the model group and to the both sides in the control group were significant,respectively (P<0.05).There were many IgG positive cells in substantia nigra par compacta in the normal group and model group.However,there were more IgG positive cells in the lesioned side of the model group,and the differences between the ratios of the IgG positive cells of the lesioned side to the normal side in the model group and to the both sides in the control group were significant,respectively (P<0.05).Conclusions There exists IgG positive cells in substantia nigra par compacta,and the expression of IgG significantly increased in PD rat models in the lesioned side.
出处 《中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第1期20-23,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology
基金 山东省高等学校科技计划项目(J13LK51)
关键词 帕金森病 酪氨酸单氧化酶 免疫球蛋白G 黑质 Parkinson's disease tyrosine 3-monooxygenase immunoglobulin G substantia nigra
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