

Distributed broadband digital receiving technology based on shared buffer memory
摘要 为满足宽带数字接收系统对海量实时数据缓存的需求,提出了一种基于数据缓存共享和流控式轮询的技术方案。该方案构造了一种高效的数据存储结构和缓存机制,为系统采用分布式并行处理架构提供了基础,并使系统具有均衡的吞吐率性能。硬件实现的测试结果表明,该方案能够实现高达144Gb/s实时数据的缓存与处理,可以较好地满足实际应用需求。 Aiming at the requirement of massive real-time data buffering for broadband digital receiver,a technical solution based on shared memory and round robin with flow control is proposed.By designing an efficient data storage structure with buffering mechanism,the proposed technology achieves distributed parallel processing architecture,and obtains balanced throughout performance.The verification of hardware implementation indicates that the technology can fulfill real-time data buffering and processing with rate of 144Gb/s.It effectively meets the requirement of practical application.
作者 易勇 宫新保
出处 《信息技术》 2014年第1期83-85,90,共4页 Information Technology
关键词 缓存共享 流控式轮询 分布式架构 宽带 shared buffer memory flow control round robin distributed architecture broadband
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