目的探讨未足月胎膜早破行宫颈环扎术的可行性,评价宫颈环扎术对妊娠中晚期宫颈机能不全(CIC)处理的意义以及用于未足月(妊娠31周前)胎膜早破延长孕周的安全性。方法回顾性分析2010年10月—2011年11月妊娠中晚期CIC9例及未足月胎膜早破5例行宫颈环扎术孕妇的临床资料。结果 12例产妇均获得存活新生儿,2例难免流产。结论宫颈环扎术治疗CIC及未足月(妊娠31周前)胎膜早破能延长孕周,有效改善妊娠结局,是一种行之有效的防治早产方法。
OBJECTIVE To investigate feasibility doing cervical cerclage while having preterm premature rupture of membranes of, evaluate the significance of doing cervical cerclage on pregnancy in advanced cervical incompetence(CIC)processing of meaning and the safety of using without term(31 weeks of gestation before)prom the prolongation of gestation. METHODS A retrospective analysis of, 9 cases of CIC in late pregnancy and 5 cases of premature rupture of membranes of cervical cerclage performed is shown. RESULTS 12 cases of maternal have the survived neonatal, 2 cases of inevitable abortion. CONCLUSION Cervical cerclage can prolong gestational weeks in the treatment of cervical incompetence and(before 31 weeks gestation preterm premature rupture of membranes), effectively improve the outcome of pregnancy. It is an effective method for the prevention of preterm birth.
Chinese Primary Health Care
cervical incompetence
preterm premature rupure of membranes
cervical cerclage