通过对陕西省渭北苹果生产现状的调查和了解 ,作者提出了几项建议和意见 :(1)鲜果出口需要一套复杂的病虫害管理体系 ,包括植物检疫、有害生物综合治理体系及苹果生产过程中的透明度等 ;(2 )要鼓励和支持进行当地研究 ;(3)培训果农 ,加强技术推广 ,改善果园管理 ,鼓励国家和地区资助项目间充分合作 ;(4 )单一的销售体系是很值得考虑的 ,也就是说 ,所有的果品都由一个机构经销出售 ,这个组织是唯一由法律允许进行苹果、梨出口经营的公司 ,果农推举代表民主经营 ,经费来源于果农自己 ;(5 )尽快调查不合法、未注册的农药销售及生产情况 ,并对这种行为进行严厉惩罚 ;(6 )苹果黑星病或许将会成为该地区的一个严重问题 ,需要优先考虑 ;(7)几种病虫害的发生问题越来越严重 。
The situation of apple growing in the Northern Wei region have been investigated, and several policy and research recommendations are proposed here. (1) Exporting fresh fruit to wealthy markets requires very sophisticated pest and disease management systems embodying quarantine compliance, Integrated Pest Management principles and transparency in the way apples are produced. This is required to alleviate concerns about accidental importation of a pest or disease, environmental pollution and pesticide residues. So, these systems need to be developed. (2) Indigenous research, the results of which can be implemented locally, is crucial to success. This activity needs to be encouraged and supported. (3) Extension and grower training is important for better orchard management and the adoption of new techniques. Support should continue for this. Where differing national and regional schemes fund extension activities, good co ordination between such schemes should be encouraged. (4) A single desk marketing system may be worthwhile considering. (5) Sales of illegal and unregistered pesticides should be investigated and heavy penalties imposed on the perpetrators of these activities. (6) Apple Scab may become a serious problem. It should become a research priority. (7) Several pests and diseases are becoming a serious problem. Research is needed into the reasons why, and what might be done.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
1999年陕西省引智项目! 99( 2 4 )
Northern Wei region, quarantine
integrated pest management
pesticide residue
apple scab, a single selling desk
Pucheng county, Shaanxi, China