根据边坡的地形地貌、岩层地质构造等勘察结果,在现场布设多种传感器采集数据,传感器间通过ZigBee无线组网,把数据汇集到协调器,由协调器经GPRS DTU进行远程传输;远端上位机采用LabVIEW软件编程,对数据进行接收、存储;采用风光互补独立供电系统供电;在实际运行中,发现了多种安全性、可靠性问题,并逐一解决.实际运行一年表明,电源供电稳定、数据传输实时、有效,为进一步的数据融合处理提供了可靠的数据源.
According to survey results, such as slope topography and rock geological structure, various sensors for collecting data are mounted on the spot. They are interconnected by ZigBee to form a wireless network, and their data are converged to the coordinator and transmitted remotely through GPRS DTU. These data are received and stored by remote PC that is programmed by LabVIEW. Independent power supply system using wind and PV hybrid is used in this design. In the actual operation, a variety of security and reliability problems are traced and solved step by step. The actual operation after one year ' s operation monstrates that the power supply is stable and the data transmission is real-time and effective, providing reliable data for the further data fusion processing.
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University