
“农村人口老龄化问题”笔谈 被引量:4

Pen talk on aging of rural population
摘要 随着我国人口老龄化的加速演进,农村人口老龄化及其社会服务与保障问题日益凸显。为此,本刊特邀邓微、张云英、成志刚教授就农村人口老龄化问题展开笔谈。邓微认为,我国农村人口老龄化快速发展,"未富先老"问题突出,农村老年人社会服务及保障水平低,公共产品及服务供给欠缺,养老需求难以满足,农村传统家庭养老模式面临挑战。为此,应基于"以居家养老为基础、社区服务为依托、机构养老为支撑"的新型养老模式,推进城乡养老公共产品供给均等化,健全责任分担机制,强化政府、社会、市场、家庭"四位一体"农村养老服务体系的功能。张云英基于农村老年人长期照护的现实和潜在需求日增,而长期照护资源短缺、养老机构服务能力不强的现实,提出完善农村老年人"四位一体"长期照护体系、应对银色浪潮的构想:以政府为主导、居家为基础、社区为依托、机构为支撑,多方联动和合作提供包含经济供养、医疗照护、日常护理、精神慰藉的多重服务和保障。政府主导资金筹措和政策制定,社区作为服务体系和链接资源的主要载体,机构提供专业服务,家庭承担具体服务。成志刚基于湖南的调查,分群组和项目就参保农民对新型农村社会养老保险的满意度进行了评估和比较,发现身体状况好、高中文化程度、养老担忧度低、新农保政策认知度高等群组的满意度明显高于其他群体。参保农民对新农保中的中央财政补贴、地方财政补贴、捆绑政策、政策宣传、养老需求满足程度等项目满意度普遍不高。为此提出了修正捆绑政策,优化筹资机制,完善制度设计;加强基层宣传,提高政策认知度;培养经办队伍,提高经办服务水平等策略。 Editorial comment: As the problem of aged tendency of population becomes increasing serious, the issue of rural population aging and its social services and security is prominent. By the chance, we designedly invite Professor Deng Wei, Zhang Yun-ying and Cheng Zhi-gang to air their written opinions of respective researching field to meet the readers. Professor Deng Wei first pointed out the problems existing: rural population aging developing rapidly, the problems of "getting old before being rich" getting prominent, the social services and security for the rural aged being low, lack of supply of public products and services, pension requirements being difficult to meet, traditional family pension mode in rural areas facing challenges. To solve these problems, Professor Deng suggested a new pension model combining family support and community maintenance needed to be established under the support of institutional endowment, which could equalize the basic public goods supply in the elderly, improve burden-sharing mechanisms, strengthen the quaternity function of old-age service system consisted by government, family, social and market. Since the tong-term care system for rural elderly in our country is still in its infancy, Professor Zhang Yun-ying raised some suggestions to establish and perfect the long-term care system so as to deal with silver wave: establish multilateral cooperation among government, home, community and institution in order to supply multiple service including economic support, health care, day care and psychiatric, and each performs its own functions, the government was to be responsible for the fund supply and policy making, community worked as a platform for service and resource, institution was in charge of professional service, and family was to do the definite service. Based on the statistics from the questionnaires done by parts of Hunan province rural residents, Professor Cheng Zhi-gang found out that: Groups with better health status, senior high school education, less pension worries, high policy awareness and pension were more satisfied with the social pension system, the current evaluation of insured farmer to the new rural social pension system was not high, mainly focused on the performance of the central government subsidies, local financial subsidies, tied policy, policy advocacy and pension demand satisfaction. He hence recommended to take measures to improve the system design and services to improve satisfaction of the new rural social pension system.
出处 《湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期1-5,共5页 Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“农村空巢老年人长期照护体系研究11BSH061” 湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目“土地流转制度下长株潭农民养老保障体系创新研究10A061”阶段性成果 湖南省教育厅重点项目“和谐社会建设与我国农村养老保障体系构建研究09A099”阶段性成果
关键词 农村人口 老龄化 社会服务 保障体系 “四位一体” 照护体系 新农保 满意度 rural population aging social service security system quaternity care system new rural pension system satisfaction degree
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