
3D建筑重建中纹理自动提取与映射方法研究 被引量:2

The Research on Texture Extraction and Mapping Implementation in 3D Building Reconstruction
摘要 提出了一种从3D建筑物图像中纹理提取与映射方法,图像中的3D建筑物基于平面进行重建,通过校正输入图像,融合透视图提取纹理图片,提出了一种新的消除透视扭曲方法,对纹理图像进行校正,通过补偿光源颜色估计纹理色彩。该方法避免了3D测量的中间过程。基于表面微粒提出了一种纹理映射策略,较好地解决了拍摄过程中的相关问题如不均匀光源、高光以及遮挡灯。通过实验证明了该方法能够获取足够的质量,同时用不同的强度图像展示了校正方法的效率。 A method for texture extraction and mapping form 3d building image is proposed. by the images, the 3d-building reconstruction is based on the plane. Texture images are then extracted by merging perspective corrected input images. A new technique for removing perspective distortion and for the estimation of the texture image color to compensate for the light source color is studied. The method avoids any intermediate 3D measurement. A texture mapping strategy based on surface particles is developed to adequately address photography related problems such as inhomogeneous lighting, highlights and occlusion. Reconstruction results are included to demonstrate the attained quality. Experiments show the effectiveness of the correction method using range intensity images.
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2014年第1期72-75,81,共5页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
基金 绵阳师范学院项目"熵的对称数学特性对图像检索的影响研究(项目编号:2012A18)
关键词 纹理采样 纹理映射 颜色补偿 图像校正 texture sampling texture mapping color correction image rectification
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