以《中国土壤系统分类》 (修订方案 )以及《土壤基层分类试用方案》 (修订稿 )为准则 ,以特征土层为土系主要划分依据 ,建立了覆盖湖北省不同地貌、母质、土壤类型共 75个土系 ,归属于《中国土壤系统分类》 (修订方案 )的 5 5个亚类 ,36个土类 ,1 7个亚纲 ,1 0个土纲。土系的建立是以明确的形态理化特征为指标 ,具有定性、定量、定型和区域定位的特征。土系以地名命名且用“双名法”过渡 。
Soil series outline of Hubei Province is established according to Chinese Soil Taxonomy(Revised Proposal)and Soil Basic Classification(Revised Draft),and the characteristic soil horizon is regarded as the foundation of dividing soil series.There were 75 soil series of covering different landforms,Parent material,soil types in Hubei Province are identified,which belong to 55 subgroups,36 great groups,17 suborders and 10 orders according to Chinese Soil Taxonomy(Revised Proposal).The established soil series have clear soil physical,chemical and pattern targets and qualitative,quantitative,finalized and located characteristics.Soil Series is named as place name and transmitted with double name in order to exchange and share soil information over the world.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences
国家自然科学基金项目! ( 4 980 10 10 )
国家自然科学基金重点项目 !( 4 983 10 0 4)内容之一