

Semantic Extracting Research Progress Based on Internet Social Images
摘要 对Web 2.0用户标注系统中图像语义获取进展进行综述,分析社会图像语义获取的主要研究领域,包括标签去噪、自动标注、标签排序以及社会图像的2个典型应用:推荐系统和图像检索。在具体归纳过程中,阐述某技术或算法的主要依据是其被采用的广泛程度以及在大规模网络环境下的可行性,并力争保持内容组织的内在关联及层次特点。通过分析相关研究结果的统计数据及社会网的发展趋势,给出进一步研究思路。 This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the semantics extraction from images that is annotated by user in the Web 2.0 system. The main fields of semantics extracted from the social images are generalized, including tags denoising, auto- matic annotation, tag ranking and two application: recommendation system and image retrieval. The rule of selecting source tech- nique mainly bases on its content it is paid much more attention by others and suitability for large-scale network environment, it' s also done to array the content organization relation and hierarchy characteristic. After the analysis of statistics results from the relevant researchs and social network development trend, summary and next research thought are presented.
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2014年第1期126-131,136,共7页 Computer and Modernization
基金 江苏省大学生实践创新重点立项项目(201313573011Z)
关键词 社会图像 语义获取 图像标注 Flickr网站 social images semantic extracting image annotation Flickr website
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