

Adaptive Combined Forecasting for Promotion of Television Website On-line Video Based on NPTB Model
摘要 在结合影视观众基本信息的前提下,针对影视网站新上线收费影片的类型,本文提出在NPTB(Next-Product-toBuy)模型的基础上融入组合预测模型,用来预测影视观众下一部可能接受观看的影片概率,在此基础上选择观看此类型影片概率最高的观众进行影片推广,以期达到影视网站盈利的目的。实验表明,本研究所用模型明显优于其它预测观众观看影片概率的模型。 Under the premise of combination film and television audiences basic information, targeted at the film website new type of on-line charges videos, this paper proposes integration into the combination forecasting model on the basis of NPTB model. The model is used to predict the probability of a television audience watching which videos next, and to choose the highest probability of this type of movie viewers for movie promotion. So the purpose of film and television website' s earning is achieved. The exam- ple shows that this study is superior to the other prediction audience watch videos probability model.
作者 杨帅 马少辉
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2014年第1期164-167,共4页 Computer and Modernization
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71171100)
关键词 NPTB模型 组合预测 影视网站 SPSS NPTB model combination forecast television website SPSS
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