
《STM文献传递声明》及其对图书馆馆际互借服务的影响 被引量:11

STM Document Delivery Statement and Its Impact on Interlibrary Loan
摘要 国际科技医药出版商联盟(STM)2011年发布了《STM文献传递声明》,给出了文献传递工作的五条指导原则,从版权豁免、跨境文献传递、出版商提供单篇文献订购、尽职调查和传递给终端读者的方式等方面对图书馆非返还型馆际互借(文献传递)服务进行了限制。《STM文献传递声明》的实施将大幅增加馆际互借双方的成本,致使一些图书馆放弃或缩减这项服务,同时出版商推出的PPV(Pay Per View)服务将在文献传递中占有一定的位置,馆际互借现有格局将被改变。 International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers released STM Document Delivery State- ment in 2011, which puts forward five guidelines to direct document delivery service and protects the interests of publishers. This statement will restrict the development of interlibrary loan from copyright exemption, cress-border document delivery, digital doc- ument delivered directly to end users by publishers, due diligence and library document delivery to end users. The implementa- tion of STM Document Delivery Statement will significantly increase the costs for both the interlibrary loan lender and borrower, which will result in giving up or reducing this service, and pay per view(PPV) service will play an important role in the interli- brary loan area. The existing interlibrary loan pattern will be changed. 10 refs.
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期118-122,共5页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 《STM文献传递声明》 国际科技医药出版商联盟 图书馆 馆际互借 文献传递 STM Document Delivery Statement. International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers.Libraries. Interlibrary loan. Document delivery.
  • 相关文献


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