
有压管道波动激振特性试验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Study on Fluctuation Exciting Characteristics of Pressure Pipeline
摘要 针对现有液压振动技术的应用现状以及液压系统中存在的液压冲击现象,提出一种利用液压冲击来产生振动的激振系统。该系统以激波器为波动发生器,以管道为受控对象。阐述液压波动发生的机制,并搭建振动试验测试平台。对管道中的压力波动进行研究,计算压力脉动的最大理论值,并进行试验验证,结果表明:两者吻合较好,管道中的压力波动受控于系统频率。对管道振动特性的试验表明:管道两端的振动强度大于中间的振动强度;管道的振幅随系统频率与系统压力的增大而增大;系统压力在4.6 MPa以上,再增大系统压力,对管道振幅的影响不大。 Aiming at the present application situation of the hydraulic vibration technology as well as the phenomenon of the hy-draulic impact in the hydraulic system,a vibration system using the hydraulic impact to generate vibration was put forward. In the sys-tem,a wave exciter was used as the wave generator and the pipeline was used as a controlled object. The mechanism of hydraulic fluc-tuation was expounded,and the vibration experimental platform was set up. The fluctuations of pressure inside the pipeline were re-searched,the maximum theoretical value of the pressure pulsation was calculated,and then the value was verified by experiments. The results show that the theoretical value is in good agreement with the experimental one and the pressure fluctuations inside the pipeline are controlled by the system frequency. The experiment of vibration characteristics of the pipeline shows that vibration strength of pipeline's both ends is greater than the one of middle,the amplitude of the pipeline is increased with the increasing of system frequency and system pressure. And it will have little effect on the amplitude of the pipeline if the system pressure is increased above 4.6 MPa.
出处 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2014年第1期1-3,33,共4页 Machine Tool & Hydraulics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50775154) 山西省青年科学基金项目(2010201025)
关键词 液压冲击 压力波动 管道振动 激波器 Hydraulic impact Pressure fluctuation Pipeline vibration Wave exciter
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