
偏头痛缓解期基于患者报告的结局评价量表的性能考评研究 被引量:7

Performance evaluation on patient reported outcome scale in migraine remission patients
摘要 目的评价偏头痛缓解期基于患者报告的结局(PRO)评价量表的性能。方法本研究纳入2012年6月-2013年2月在上海市徐汇区中心医院等国内4家医院神经内科门诊就诊的偏头痛患者共120例。患者均认真填写PRO调查量表的各项内容。对各单位研究人员进行统一培训,建立Epidata数据库,采用二次录入方式录入数据。以分半信度、克隆巴赫α系数评价量表的信度,以内容效度、标准效度评价量表的效度,以总体反应度、条目反应度及维度反应度评价量表的反应度,以接受率、完成率、完成时间评价量表的可行性。结果前后两次调查的该量表分半信度分别为0.876和0.910,克隆巴赫α系数分别为0.884和0.888;各维度条目与本维度的相关系数均大于与其他维度的相关系数;前后两次调查PRO量表总分与VAS总分、SF-36总分相关系数分别为0.700、0.601和-0.613、-0.658;量表的接受率、完成率均为100%。结论偏头痛PRO量表内容全面、结构合理,适合偏头痛的临床特点,具有良好的性能,其疗效评价方法科学,临床再验证结果可信。 Objective To eavulate the performance of patient reported outcome (PRO) scale in migraine remission patients. Methods One hundred and twenty cases migraine patients' PRO scales from four domestic hospitals during June 2012 to February 2013 were collected to establish Epiadata database and to enter all adopts secondary data. Through reliability, validity, responsiveness and feasibility, the performance of PRO scale were evaluated. Results The split-half reliability in two surveys were 0.876 and 0.910, and Cronbach's alpha coeffcient were 0.884 and 0.888. The correlation coeffcients of each dimension entry with other dimensions were greater than those of each dimension entry with any other dimension. The correlation coeffcients of PRO scale total score with VAS scale total score and SF-36 scale total score were 0.700 and 0.601, -0.613 and -0.658 respectively in two surveys. The accept rate and completion rate of PRO scale were 100%. Conclusion Migraine patients' PRO scale has comprehensive contents and reasonable structure. It is suitable for the clinical characteristics of migraine. The scale has a good performance, and its curative effect evaluation method and clinical w{idation re^ll{t~ are re{i^hle.
出处 《世界临床药物》 CAS 2014年第1期15-19,共5页 World Clinical Drug
基金 首都医学发展科研基金项目(SF-2009-Ш-11) 北京中医药大学创新团队项目(2011-CXTD-22)
关键词 偏头痛 基于患者报告的结局 性能考评 migraine patient reported outcome performance evaluation
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