
绿色发展:功能界定、机制分析与发展战略 被引量:587

Green Development: Functional Definition,Mechanism Analysis and Development Strategy
摘要 中国是一个人均生态财富较低的国家,资源环境问题已经成为中国发展的最大挑战,绿色发展已经成为中国发展的战略选择。本篇论文对绿色发展的功能界定、机制分析以及发展战略进行系统性分析。从功能界定上讲,绿色发展观是第二代可持续发展观,强调经济系统、社会系统和自然系统间的系统性、整体性和协调性。在机制分析中,论文构建了绿色发展的"三圈模型",分析了经济系统、自然系统和社会系统的共生性和交互机制。其中,绿色福利是绿色发展的目标,绿色财富是绿色福利和绿色增长的基础,绿色增长是绿色财富累计和绿色福利增进的手段。作为绿色发展的核心,绿色增长有赖于有效的绿色增长管理。在发展战略上,论文探讨了绿色发展能力(包括识别能力、投入能力和评估能力)和绿色发展战略(包括绿色规划、绿色金融和绿色财政)。绿色规划是绿色发展战略的战略引导,引导各级地方政府放弃GDP本位主义,把绿色发展的理念融入到地方发展规划的实践中。在政策工具上,充分运用绿色金融和绿色财政政策,引导经济增长过程中的绿色生产和绿色消费。对中国发展而言,绿色发展战略不是一个可选择的战略,而是一个必须要遵循的发展战略,是全面推动经济建设、政治建设、社会建设、文化建设和生态建设等五大建设的抓手。最后,论文给出了实施绿色发展战略的政策建议,包括完善绿色发展规划、强化绿色投入以及突出绿色政绩考核等。 China is one country with lower per capita ecological wealth. Resource and environment problems in China have become the biggest challenges for development, and green development has become the strategic choice for China's development. This paper systematically analyzes the functional definition, mechanism analysis and development strategy for green development. On functional definition, the green development outlook is the second-generation outlook of sustainable development, emphasizing the systematic, holistic and coordinated relationships among economic, social and natural systems. On mechanism analysis, this paper constructs the "three-circle model" for green development, illustrates the symbiosis and interaction mechanism among economic, social and natural systems. Among them, green welfare is the target of green development, green wealth is the basis for green welfare and green growth, and green growth is the tool for the accumulation of green wealth and the improvement of green welfare. As the pivot of green development, green growth depends on effective green growth management. On development strategy, this paper discusses the capacities for green development, including identification, input and evaluation capacities, and clarifies green development strategy, including green planning, green financing and fiscal policies. Green planning plays the guidance role for green development, directing local governments to abandon GDP fetishism and introduce the concept of green development into local development planning. As the policy tools, green financing and fiscal instruments should be taken full advantages in order to promote green production and green consumption. For China, the green development strategy is not optional, but must be followed and it should be taken as the pivot for the constructions of economy, politics, society, culture and ecology. Finally, this paper proposes relevant policy recommendations, including scientifically making green development planning, enhancing green investment, and highlighting the political performance evaluation from the perspective green development.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期14-20,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"经济转型过程中的收入分配与储蓄倾向:实证证据与政策含义"(编号:71273006) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:70903039) 教育部社科基金青年项目(编号:70903039)
关键词 绿色发展 绿色增长 绿色财富 绿色福利 green development green growth green wealth green welfare
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