根据地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838-2002)选取DO、BOD5、CODMn、NH+4-N、TN及TP 6个指标,利用原始数据计算shannon熵对评价指标进去客观赋权,建立理想点模型,计算逼近理想解客观准确地评价C水库与上游河流水质状况,河流S1、S2为Ⅴ类水,S3、S4为Ⅳ类水,水库为Ⅲ类水,评价结果与其他方法基本吻合。Shannon熵-理想点模型在评价过程中简单灵活,具有较强的直观性、有效性。
According to the environmental quality standards for surface water(GB 3838-2002), six indexes , including DO, BOD5, CODMn,NH4+-N,TN and TP, are selected and the ideal point model based on Shannon entropy weight is established to evaluate water quality of both reservoir and upstream rivers. The entropy is calculated according to the original data to assign objectively the index weight. The result of the method is coincided with those of other methods. It shows that S1 River and S2 River belongs to V water, S3 River and S4 River belongs to IV water, and C reservoir belongs to III water. For, The evaluation process indicated that the ideal point model based on Shannon entropy is easy and flexible,and has strong visualization and effectiveness.
Water Saving Irrigation