
中非金融合作新进展 被引量:2

New Development in Sino-African Financial Cooperation
摘要 非洲金融业总体发展水平不均衡,对外合作需求趋于多样化,且面临发展融资缺口较大等实际问题。近年来,中国金融业加快了走进非洲的步伐,中非金融合作取得明显的成效,合作区域逐年扩大,领域不断增加,层次也逐步提高。未来数年内中方政策性金融机构非政策性金融业务将进一步扩大,中方银行证券和保险金融机构在非业务将获得加速发展,跨境人民币业务将成为中方金融机构在非业务发展的优势增长点。 Generally speaking,the financial sector development of African countries is uneven and has become diversified in its need of cooperation with the outside world,faced with serious financing gap for development. Recently, Chinese financial institutions has stepped up the speed of entering Africa and achieved significant success in Sino-African financial cooperation,which has resulted in areas expanding, projects diversifying and levels rising. In the next few years,Chinese financial institutions,both policy and nonpolicy,will further expand their business with African countries,which would accelerate the development of cooperation in banking, securities and insurance sub-sectors, and cross-border RMB business would become an advantageous growth point of Chinese financial institutions operating in Africa.
作者 张春宇 唐军
出处 《亚非纵横》 2014年第1期91-108,123+126,共18页 ASIA & AFRICA REVIEW
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