
从翻译能力到职业能力:译员从业能力再思考 被引量:5

From Translation Competence to Professional Competence:Rethinking Translators' Professional Competence
摘要 在翻译产业化、职业化转型的背景下,高校翻译专业不但要培养学生双语转换、技术/工具能力,而且要着力培养学生在翻译产业集群甚至相关职业群中择业、转岗、适应职业变化以及交流合作、组织协调能力。翻译能力、方法能力、社会能力整体地构成了译员职业能力,译员从业能力的研究应适时把对"翻译能力"的研究转向对"职业能力"的研究。 With the advent of professional transformation in translation industry, university translator training program should aim not only at cultivating students' translational, technical, instrumental competence, but also their competence in job choosing, adapting and transferring, in organization arid coordination, and their communicative and cooperative competence as well. Translation competence, methodological competence and social competence together constitute translators' professional competence as a whole, it' s the right time now to turn the focus of translation study from translation competence to professional competence.
作者 韩晓
出处 《集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第1期102-108,共7页 Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 甘肃省教育科学"十二五"规划项目([2012]GSGXG055)
关键词 职业能力 翻译能力 方法能力 社会能力 特点 professional competence translation competence methodological competence social competence characteristics
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