目的建立健康幼儿外周静脉血T淋巴细胞亚群的参考范围。方法收集60例不同性别健康幼儿(1~3岁)静脉全血标本,用三色流式细胞术检测CD3+、CD4+、CD8+淋巴细胞绝对数值、百分率和CD4+/CD8+比值。结果 CD3+、CD4+、CD8+淋巴细胞的绝对计数的中位数分别为2 664、1 486和961个/μL,CD4+、CD8+淋巴细胞的百分率的中位数为55.9%和38.4%,CD4+/CD8+比值的中位数为1.46。各参数值在不同年龄、性别间的分布差异无统计学意义。结论本研究成功建立了1~3岁健康幼儿T淋巴细胞亚群正常参考范围,为本地区儿科医生提供了有价值的参考依据。
Objective To establish the reference ranges of peripheral blood T-lymphocyte subsets in healthy young children. Methods A total of 60 whole blood samples were collected from 1--3 years old healthy young children. Absolute counts and per- centage of T-lymphocyte subsets of blood samples were counted by three color flow cytometric. Results The median values of the T-lymphocyte subsets were 2 664 cells/μL for CD3+ , 1 486 cells/μL, for CD4+ and 961 cells/μL for CD8+ ,and the median values of the percentage of T-lymphocyte subsets were 55.9% for CD4+ and 38.4% for CD8+ ,and a ratio of 1.46 for CD4+/CD8+. The re- suits showed no significant differences were observed at diffrent age and gender groups. Conclusion The reference ranges of pe- ripheral blood T-lymphocyte subsets values are proposed by the current study for healthy young children aged 1-3 year old,which can offer more clinical information for pediatrician.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine