目的:探讨单纯经后路途径病灶清除、植骨融合和椎弓根钉棒系统内固定治疗胸腰段结核的临床疗效。方法回顾性研究2010年1月至2012年1月我科收治的82例胸腰段脊柱结核伴脊柱畸形的病例,其中男性47例,女性35例;年龄19~68岁,平均(45±15)岁。均采用单纯后路途径病灶清除内固定的方法进行手术治疗。分别于术前、术后14 d、1年随访和末次随访时检测红细胞沉降率(ESR)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、病变节段Cobb′s角、Oswestry 功能障碍指数(ODI),术后1年和末次随访时采用Bridwell分级评价植骨融合情况,同时评价临床疗效。结果用SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。结果所有患者均安全度过围手术期,平均手术时间为(168±41)min ,平均失血量为(346±37)mL。ESR由术前的(57±16)mm/1 h ,末次随访时下降为(11±3)mm/1 h。术前椎体Cobb′s角平均(20±4)°,术后1年随访时和末次随访时分别改善为(2.8±2.0)°和(2.8±2.3)°。ODI评分由术前的(39±14),术后1年和末次随访时分别改善为(7±3)和(7±3)。Bridwell Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级植骨融合率于术后1年和末次随访时分别为82%和90%,无Bridw ell Ⅳ级病例。临床疗效评价于术后1年和末次随访时优良率分别为89%和94%。结论单纯后路途径手术治疗成人单节段胸腰段脊柱结核,是相对意义上的脊柱结核“微创”手术,可以满足清除病灶、脊髓减压、畸形矫正和脊柱270°融合的目的,安全有效。
Objective To investigate the efficacy of debridement ,interbody fusion and internalfixation for thoracolumbar tuberculosis with spinal deformity by posterior only approach .Methods A retrospective study was performed ,which included 82 cases of thoracolumbar tuberculosis with spinal deformity admitted to our depart-ment from January 2010 to January 2012 ,including 47 males ,35 females;aged 19 to 68 years ,an average of (45 ± 15)years old .All cases underwent debridement ,interbody fusion and internal fixation by posterior only ap-proach .ESR ,CRP ,Cobb′s angle and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) were detected at 14th day before and after surgery ,and at the postoperative 1-year follow-up and final follow-up ,respectively .Bone graft fusion was evalua-ted with Bridwell grading criteria ,and the clinical efficacy was observed as well .Results were statistically ana-lyzed with SPSS17 .0 .Results The mean operative time was 168 ± 41 min ,and the average blood loss was (346 ± 37)mL .ESR decreased to (11 ± 3)mm/1 h at posteroperative final follow-up from preoperative (57 ± 16)mm/1 h . For the cases with spinal kyphosis ,the Cobb′s angles changed from preoperative average (20 ± 4)° to(2 .8 ± 2 .0)° and (2 .8 ± 2 .3)°at posteroperative 1-year and final follow-up ,respectively .ODI ,lumbar dysfunction index ,im-proved from preoperative (39 ± 14)to(7 ± 3) and (7 ± 3)at posteroperative 1-year and final follow-up ,respective-ly .At posteroperative 1-year follow-up ,the rate of spinal graft fusion at Bridwell Ⅰ and Bridwell Ⅱ Grade were 82% and 90% ,respectively .The clinical efficacy was evaluated at posteroperative 1-year and final follow-up ,the rate of excellence and goodness was 89% and 94% ,respectively .Conclusion Single posterior approach is in a sense a“minimally invasive surgery”for treatment of the adult thoracolumbar spinal tuberculosis with spinal defor-mity ,and can enable surgeon to remove the lesion ,decompress the spinal cord ,correct spinal deformity and a-chieve 270° spinal fusion safely and effectively.
Posterior approach