目的:通过对真菌性鼻-鼻窦炎(FRS)患者主观评价和客观检查方法的研究,了解FRS对患者生活质量的影响,分析FRS患者主观评价之间,客观检查方法之间以及主观评估与客观检查方法之间的相关性。方法:收集18例FRS患者的鼻腔鼻窦结局测量20条(SNOT-20)及视觉模拟量表(VAS)、Lund-Kennedy鼻内镜评分以及Lund-Mackay CT评分数据,并对这些数据进行相关性分析。结果:在SNOT-20中得分最高的前6项为:头面部疼痛及压迫感;流脓涕;需要擤鼻涕;打喷嚏;疲倦;沮丧、焦躁、易怒。SNOT-20总分与其他主客观评分之间无相关性(P>0.05),SNOT-20鼻部症状评分与Lund-Mackay CT评分呈正相关(r=0.536,P<0.05),SNOT-20睡眠症状评分与VAS评分呈正相关(r=0.605,P<0.01)。VAS评分与Lund-Mackay CT评分正相关性(r=0.615 0,P<0.01),Lund-Mackay CT评分和Lund-Kennedy鼻内镜检查评分呈正相关(r=0.500 4,P<0.05),Lund-Kennedy鼻内镜检查与主观调查量表之间在统计学上无相关性(P>0.05)。结论:FRS患者的客观评价方法之间有着较好的相关性,Lund-Mackay CT评分与SNOT-20鼻部症状评分以及VAS评分之间有相关性,SNOT-20睡眠症状评分与VAS评分呈正相关。
Objective:The study was to evaluate the quality of life in patients with fungal rhino-sinusitis(FRS) and to investigate the relationship between different subjective tests, objective measures and that between subjec- tive tests and objective measures. Method: Quantitative data of 18 preoperative recruits with FRS were collected by using sino nasal outcome test-20(SNOT 20) and then the SNOT 20 items were categorized into five domains,a vis- ual analogue scale(VAS), Lund-Kennedy endoscopy staging system and the Lund-Mackay CT staging system. Cor- relation among these data was analyzed. Result:The six highest score items in SNOT-20were Facial pain/pressure, Thick nasal discharge, Need to blow nose,Sneezing, Fatigue, and Frustrated/restless/irritable. The total SN()T-20 score was not correlated with the other objective or subjective tests(P^0.05). However, there was significant correlation between SNOT-20 nasal symptom domain and Lund Mackay CT score(r:0. 605 ,P〈O. 01) ,as well as between SNOT-20sleep related symptom domain and VAS (r =0. 605, P = 0. 008 ). Significant correlation was found between the Lund-Mackay CT staging and the VAS(r: 0. 615 O,P〈O. 01), as well as between the Lund Mackay CT staging and the Lund Kennedy endoscopy staging (r=0. 500 4, P〈O. 05). There was no significant correlation between Lund-Kennedy endoscopy staging and the patient-based questionnaires(P^0.05). Condasion: The objective measures were correlated well with each other and CT staging had significant correlation with the SNOT-20 nasal symptom domain and VAS. There was also significant correlation between SN()T-20sleep related symptom domain and VAS.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
fungi sinusitis quality of life