
重离子治疗肿瘤点扫描控制系统 被引量:2

Spot scanning control system for heavy ion therapy
摘要 为了实现重离子治疗肿瘤点扫描,对扫描磁铁进行相应的控制。治疗计划进行剂量与肿瘤适形数据的生成,并传输至点扫描控制器与剂量控制器。同时也向点扫描控制器中存入事例数据,以纳入整个加速器控制时序,等待同步时间事例系统的事例触发。点扫描控制器根据剂量控制器的脉冲控制换点治疗操作以及进行换点治疗的扫描磁铁插值算法平滑处理。剂量控制器对气体电离室前端电子学已经刻度的剂量脉冲进行计数。当达到治疗剂量时,控制法拉第筒来阻挡束流,实现点扫描安全治疗。实验证明在现有的电源与磁铁等设备条件以及束流品质下,点扫描控制系统能实现2mm点间距扫描。 The active beam scanning system for heavy ion therapy has some advantages in some respects.In order to achieve spot scanning using pencil beam for heavy ion therapy,the control system needs to control scanning magnet.The therapy plan generates dose data and tumor area therapy data,and transmits them to the dose controller and spot scanning controller.At the same time,the accelerator control system transmits synchronous timing event data to the spot scanning controller,then the spot scanning controller waits for synchronous trigger from the synchronous timing system.When the dose controller sends trigger plus to the spot scanning controller,the spot scanning controller needs to change spot based on the tumor area therapy data,and curves it by interpolation algorithm.The dose controller counts dose pluses from the front-end electronics of the gas ionization chamber.When therapy dose is over,the dose controller sends a plus to control the Faraday cup to block heavy ion beam to realize safe therapy by spot scanning.Experiments show that with the current running power supply,magnet devices,and beam quality,the spot scanning control system can control pencil beam scanning spot by spot between 2 mm.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期279-283,共5页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11005136) 校高层次人才基金项目(2012BS036) 中科院西部之光人才培养计划项目(Y107130XBB)
关键词 点扫描控制系统 点扫描控制器 剂量控制器 重离子治疗 spot scanning control system spot scanning controller dose controller heavy ion therapy
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