目的执行缺陷综合征的行为学评价测试(behavioral assessment of dysexecutive syndrome,BADS)作为一种执行功能障碍的评估量表先前被用于多种疾病的执行功能测试,然而在非痴呆帕金森病(parkinson's disease,PD)中的数据仍然缺乏。文中旨在通过该量表了解PD患者的执行功能障碍及其影响因素。方法应用BADS对68位PD患者和60位健康对照者进行执行功能指标的测试,并收集相关人员的基线资料。结果 BADS评分系统发现PD患者6项子测试和BADS总分评分明显低于对照者[(5.46±3.71)vs(17.78±2.47),P<0.01],而logistic回归分析也发现PD、UPDRSⅢ得分与性别为执行功能障碍的相关因素。结论 PD患者存在日常生活的执行功能障碍,这种障碍主要与疾病本身、性别及病情的严重程度相关。
Objective The behavioral assessment of dysexecutive syndrome (BADS) is a neuropsychological battery for measuring a wide range of executive impairments. However, data on its validity in Parkinson's disease (PD) without dementia are still lacking. The aim of this study was to analyze the executive dysfunction of PD patients and its influencing factors. Methods We con- ducted BADS for 68 PD patients and 60 healthy controls, and analyzed the relevant baseline data of the subjects. Results BADS findings showed that the individual scores and total scores of the PD patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy controls ( [ 5.46 ± 3.71 ] vs [ 17.78 ± 2.47 ], P 〈 0. O1 ). The results of binary stepwise logistic regression procedures revealed that PD, gen der and UPDRS m scores of were associated with executive dysfunction. Conclusion PD patients have problems with the executive function in daily life, which are mainly correlated with the severity of the condition and the gender of the patients.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates
Executive dysfunction
Parkinson's disease
Behavioral assessment of dysexecutive syndrome