
高粱属植物的地理分布 被引量:6

Geographical Distribution of Sorghum Moench(Poaceae)
摘要 为探讨高粱属(Sorghum Moench)的系统发育关系,通过野外调查及查阅标本和文献资料,对高粱属植物的地理分布进行了整理和研究。高粱属植物约有29种,分布于全世界热带到温带地区,其中澳大利亚22种,亚洲15种,非洲9种,欧洲3种,地中海2种,美洲6种。中国有5种,分布在东北、西南到华南各省(区)。高粱属有5亚属,仅高粱亚属(subgen.Sorghum)延伸至新世界,其他亚属均分布在旧世界,高粱亚属覆盖非洲并扩散到全世界热带到温带地区;拟高粱亚属(subgen.Parasorghum)分布在非洲、亚洲、澳大利亚;有柄高粱亚属(subgen.Stiposorghum)主要分布在澳大利亚,个别种分布到亚洲;多毛高粱亚属(subgen.Chaetosorghum)分布在澳大利亚;异高粱亚属(subgen.Heterosorghum)分布在澳大利亚和亚洲。这表明澳大利亚东北部是高粱属的现代分布中心和多样化中心,非洲东北部和热带亚洲是否是高粱属的起源地尚需确证。 In order to accumulate data for the phylogenetic reconstruction of Sorghum, the geographical distribution of Sorghum Moench (Andropogoneae, Panicoideae, Poaceae) was studied by field investigation and reviewing specimen and literature. Sorghum, including about 29 species, is a representative group in the tribe Andropogoneae due to the paired heterogamous spikelets (one sessile, fertile; the other one pedicelled, staminate or sterile) made up racemes along each node of inlforescences. Sorghum species distribute in the tropical and subtropical to temperate regions, with the species number being 22, 15, 9, 3, 2 in Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Mediterranean, respectively. In addition, six species have extended to the Americas. In China, five species distribute in northeastern, southwestern, and southern provinces. Among five subgenera of Sorghum, only subgen. Sorghum has representatives in the New World, other subgenera are restricted to the Old World. The subgen. Sorghum presents in Africa then spread to tropical and temperate regions around the world, subgen. Parasorghum extends from Africa, Asia to Australia, subgen. Stiposorghum occurrs in Australia and Asia, subgen. Chaetosorghum is found in Australia, and subgen. Heterosorghum is found in Australia and Aisa. These results suggested that northeast Australia was the distribution center and diversification center of Sorghum, while the origin center of Sorghum needs to be further studied.
出处 《热带亚热带植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期1-11,共11页 Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31270275 31310103023) 中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室项目(201212ZS) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目(教外司留2011-1139) 中国科学院生命科学领域基础前沿研究专项(KSCX2-EW-J-28)资助
关键词 高粱属 地理分布 须芒草族 禾本科 Sorghum Geographical distribution Andropogoneae Poaceae
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