16 Rex buck of 0.5, 1, 2, 3 years old respectively were selected. Under thesame conditions, semen collection in the morning every other day was made 15 times. Ejac-ulate, sperm motility, concentration of sperm and abnormality rate were measured or evalu-ated. It is shown that the effect of age of buck on ejaculate isn't obvious (P>0. 05, butobvious on sperm motility, concentration and abnormality rate, that sperm motility andconcentration of buck at 2 and 3 are higher than those of others (P<0. 05), and sperm ab-normality rate of buck at 1 and 2 is obviously lower than that of others (P<0. 05). It isshown that semen quality of buck at 2 is best.