
公众对气候变化认知和行为表现的国际比较 被引量:25

Public Perceptions and Behaviors to Climate Change:A Cross-national Comparison
摘要 基于ISSP2010和CGSS2010数据,本文就世界31个国家公众对气候变化的认知和行为表现进行了比较研究,发现气候变化的重要性得到比较广泛的认知,但是它远远没有成为当今世界最重要的议题。公众对于气候变化成因及其影响的了解比较有限,公众行为呈现出积极取向,但是行为的自觉性依然不容乐观。各国公众对气候变化的认知和行为调整存在差别,相对于发达国家而言,中国公众对于气候变化的认知和行为调整都是比较有限的。有关气候变化的研究以及相关的政策行动,应更加关注气候变化的社会事实面相,充分理解气候变化之社会反应的差异性和应对气候变化的复杂性。 Based on data from ISSP2010 and CGSS2010, this paper aims to make a comparison about public's perceptions and behaviors to climate change in 31 countries. The results indicate that, firstly, while climate change' s significance is widely acknowledged by the public, it hasn't yet to be regarded as the most crucial issue in the world nowadays. The public have very little knowledge of climate change' s cause and effect, Athough the public's behaviors toward climate change show some positive trends,their self-conscious behaviors are less optimistic. Furthermore, the public' s perceptions and behaviors to climate change vary according to different countries. In addition, the Chinese public show relatively limited perceptions and adjusted behaviors concerning climate change. Therefore, it can be pointed out that future research and policy initiatives on climate change should pay more attention to its dimension of social facts, and should gain full understanding of the various social responses to climate change and complexity of tackling it.
出处 《社会学评论》 2013年第4期3-15,共13页 Sociological Review of China
关键词 气候变化 气候政策 国际比较 中国 climate change climate policy cross-national comparison China
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