
基于非平衡哈希树的平台完整性远程验证机制 被引量:4

Remote attestation mechanism for platform integrity based on unbalanced-Hash tree
摘要 为提高计算平台完整性度量的远程验证效率,提出一种基于非平衡哈希树的平台远程验证机制。平台可信实体的散列值以非平衡哈希树叶子节点的结构存储,远程验证时,查找度量实体对应的叶子节点,记录该叶子节点到根节点的验证路径,然后传递根节点和验证路径给验证方,最后根据验证路径重新计算根节点来验证度量值的有效性。实验结果表明,该机制能够有效降低散列值存储的空间和时间开销,完整性度量验证的时间复杂度为O(lb N)。 In order to improve the remote authentication efficiency for integrity measurement of computing platforms, this paper proposed a platform remote authentication mechanism based on unbalanced-Hash trees. Hash values of platform's trusted entities were stored in the structure of leaf nodes of unbalanced-Hash trees. Effectiveness of the metrics was verified through seeking corresponding leaf nodes of measured entities, recording the validation paths from leaf nodes to root nodes, passing from root nodes to the prover and finally recalculating the root nodes according to validation paths. The experimental results show that the proposed mechanism can effectively reduce time and space overhead of storing Hash values and the time complexity of integrity measurement authentication is O( 1b N).
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期433-437,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家核高基项目(2013JH00103)
关键词 可信计算 完整性度量 远程验证 非平衡哈希树 trusted computing integrity measurement remote attestation unbalanced-Hash tree
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