Customer reward program refers to the program that is launched from producer or sellers for enhancing customer loyahy through remedying or discounting. Existing researches and practice of customer reward programs focus on monetary incentive, which is in- sufficient in either building customer loyalty or making profit. Behavioral economics present us a new approach for customer reward pro- grams. We tend to design fresh program based on Reciprocity Theory and Prospective Theory to affect customer loyalty by mean of natural field experiment. We examine the impact of gifts on balances and customer intention to keep relationship in a longitudinal field experi- ment conducted at a commercial bank. In the fi^t study, we set two groups, one of which receive surprising gift from the bank and the other group does not, and observe the change in their account in the bank in 12 months. Consistent with Reciprocity Theory, both bal- ances and relationship intention of customers who receive the surprising gifts is significantly higher than objects without receiving gifts. In the second study, we set two groups, one of which receives gift once from the bank and the other group receives gift twice, given the total value of gifts. In line with Prospective Theory, both balances and relationship intention of customers who receive gifts two times is signifi- cantly higher than objects only receiving gift once. Furthermore, the Reciprocity effect has more affect on new customers than old custom- ers. Our study is meaningful in integrating mental factor into economic benefit in customer relationship management and supporting Reci- procity and Prospective theory by the evidence from real business world. Relevant managerial suggestions are put forward.
Management Review
customer reward program, customer loyalty, reciprocity theory, prospect theory