目的 :观察小儿病毒性心肌炎 IL- 6、IFN- γ及 Ig G亚类变化 ,进一步探讨在心肌炎发生、发展中细胞因子及 Ig G亚类的作用及其关系。方法 :采用酶联免疫吸附试验测定 47例柯萨奇 B组 (Cox B)病毒性心肌炎患儿 IL- 6、IFN- γ及 Ig G亚类水平。结果 :柯萨奇 B组 (Cox B)病毒性心肌炎患儿血清 IFN-γ、IL - 6均明显升高且呈正相关 ;Ig G1 、Ig G2 、Ig G3明显降低且 IL - 6与 Ig G1呈负相关。结论 :人血丙种球蛋白可作为 IL - 6的拮抗剂用于小儿柯萨奇
Objective To observe the effects and relationships of the cytokines and sub-IgG in viral myocarditis in children.Method IL 6,IFN γ and sub IgG in viral myocarditis in children in 47 patients were assessed by ELISA.Results Both IL 6 and IFN γ were significantly increased in CoxB viral myocarditis and IgG 1,IgG 2,IgG 3 were significantly decreased.The level of IL 6 was positively correlated with that of IFN γ and negtively correlated with that of IgG 1 respectively.Conclusion This finding suggest that intravenous immunoglobulin can be used in viral myocarditis in children as an antagonist of IL 6.
Jilin Medical Journal