Review article:COEDèS,George.2011.Texts of Greek and Latin Authors on the Far East:Texts Revised and Translated by John Sheldon with Contributions by N.Samuel,C.Lieu Faha&Gregory Fox,(XL+185 p.,4 b/w ill.,160 x 240mm.ISBN:978-2-503-53366-7 EUR 65,Paperback)and SHELDON,John.2013.Commentary on George Coèdes’Texts of Greek and Latin Authors on the Far East.(XVIII+321 p.,160 x 240 mm,ISBN:978-2-503-54602-5.EUR 65,paperback)Studia Antiqua Australiensia 4 and 5.Brepols:Turnhout.
Review article: SIDEBOTHAM, Steven. 2011. Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route. (California World History Library 18). Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press. pp. xvii, 434.