目的 建立有助于成人Still病 (AOSD)诊断新指标。方法 用血清铁蛋白 (SF)及C反应蛋白 (CRP)的乘积作为急性时相反应指数 (APRI) ,对 2 5例AOSD患者APRI诊断的特异性和敏感性进行了评估。结果 APRI在AOSD患者中显著高于其它疾病组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,其敏感性和特异性分别为 85 2 %和 92 0 % ,对AOSD诊断的准确率为 77 2 %。结论 APRI对AOSD的诊断有一定的价值。
Objective To establish a new index for the diagnosis of adult onset Stills disease (AOSD).Methods We used the product of rising rate of serum ferritin(SF) and C reactive protein(CRP) as “acute phase reactive index”(APRI).The sensitivity and specificity of APRI were evaluated in 25 patients with AOSD.Results APRI elavated in AOSD compared with other disease ( P< 0 05).Its senstivity was 85 2% and specificity was 92 0%.Index of right diagnosis was 77 2%.Conclusion APRI has some value in the diagnosis of AOSD.
Jiangsu Medical Journal