
内置十字加强板圆形钢管短柱在轴压作用下的力学性能研究 被引量:2

Study on the Mechanical Properties of Steel Circular Stub Columns with Inner Cruciform Plates Under Axial Pressure
摘要 通过运用有限元分析软件MARC,分析了内置十字加强板圆形钢管短柱在轴压作用下弹塑性力学性能,目的是为了确定该类桥墩的有效失稳长度和短柱极限承载力及极限应变。分析时考虑了焊接残余变形和残余应力的影响,考察的参数有径厚比、Ls/D等参数。通过研究提出了短柱的有效失稳长度、极限强度和极限应变的关系式,为桥墩抗震性能评价提供了理论基础。 In order to determine the local instability length,ultimate beating capacity and ultimate strain of the steel circular stub columns with inner cruciform plates,mechanical properties of the type stub columns is carried out under axial pressure by the finite element package MARC.In these analyses,it is considered the influence of welding residual stress and residual deformation,and these effects of the radius-to-thickness Rt,and the length-to-radius ratio Ls/D on the bearing capacity and ductility of the stub column is studied.These formulas of local effective instability length,ultimate strength and ultimate strain of the stub column under axial pressure are established.Based on the above,it provides a theoretical basis for the assessment of the seismic performance of this type pier.
出处 《工程建设与设计》 2014年第1期117-120,共4页 Construction & Design for Engineering
基金 住房和城乡建设部项目(2010-K2-11) 辽宁省自然科学基金项目(2013020149)
关键词 钢管短柱 有效失稳长度 极限强度 残余应力 残余变形 极限状态 steel circular stub column effective Instabilitylength u ltimate strength residual stress residual deformation ultimate state
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