
二语阅读中的“超读障碍”研究 被引量:8

Hyperlexic Difficulty in L2 Reading
摘要 在二语阅读中,超读障碍是一个常见却被忽视的现象,本文对这一现象进行分析,以尝试探讨"超读障碍"形成的原因。文章认为,读者的先备知识以及知识的策略性应用、认知机制包括工作记忆和抑制与强化机制等等,都是超读障碍形成的原因。而对二语阅读来说,超读障碍源于二语阅读中的"阈值效应",而它是读者语言水平与各种认知机制,如抑制机制、工作记忆能力等综合作用的结果。我们既要强调二语阅读中的词汇及语法水平的影响,认识词汇习得中概念重构难题对二语理解及加工的影响,也要进一步认识"阈值效应"产生的认知心理本质。最后,文章提出,可以进行阅读策略培训,也可以在平时教学中进行显性的词汇教学和语言产出的纠错练习来破解概念重构的难题,从而对二语阅读中的"超读障碍"进行干预。 In foreign language reading,a hyperlexic reader is not hard to find.Few studies are however,devoted to this phenomenon.This article probes such readers for the causal factors.It proposes that readers' prior knowledge and its strategic use,and cognitive mechanisms like suppression and working memory capacity are all contributors to a hyperlexic reader.As for reading in a second language,this could be explained by the threshold effect resulting from the combined effects of L2 proficiency level and cognitive mechanisms like suppression and L2 working memory.Due attention should be given to develop L2 learners' lexical and grammatical knowledge,and to minimize the influences on L2 reading and processing of conceptual restructuring in L2 vocabulary acquisition.The article ends by suggesting interventions with readers' hyperlexic difficulty through reading strategy training,explicit teaching of L2 vocabulary,and repeated corrections in learners' language output.
作者 吴诗玉
机构地区 上海交通大学
出处 《当代外语研究》 2013年第11期36-42,78,共7页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究"外国留学生汉语阅读中的超读障碍研究及iSTART策略应用"项目资助(编号10YJC740103)
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