Objective:Study of the reason of laryngeal recurrent nerve injury during thy-roid surgery,and put forwardthe prevention and treatment measures.Method:Collecting 52 cases laryngeal recurrent nerve injury during thyroid surg cry patients,from July in 2008 to April in 2013,collecting These pa-tients' damage reason,place,type and other clinical data,and go ahead retrospective analysis,according to the damage properties to imple the corresponding treatment mea-sures.The laryngoscope,voice entrance pa-rameters,electromyography examination evaluation therapeutic effect.Results: 12 cas- es thyroid routine postoperative laryngeal re-current nerve exploration decompression again,8 cases recov-er the normal voice af-ter 1 - 3 months,3 cases recover thenormal voice after 6 months,1 cases recover after one year;In patients with laryngeal recurrent nerve end to end anas-tomosis,13 cases of-patients were significantly improved voice, normal vocal cord movement.52 cases of pa-tients voi-ce assessment after one year, 36 cases recover normal69.2% ),8 cases obvi-ously improved(15.4% ),5 cases im-proved(9.6% ),3 Cases not improve(5.8% ). Conclusion:Thyroid surgery laryngeal recur-rent nerve injury is associated with misoper-ation,such as surgery more cut seam,clamps, improper operation.Strengthen the laryngeal recurrent nerve anatomy of cognition and improve the level of operation accurate oper-ation isthe key to prevent laryngeal recur-rent nerve injury during thyroid surgery. Should refer to the damage assessment on the treatment of the corresponding to repair, to build up enough airway and recover satis-factory voice.
Thyroid surgery
Laryngeal re-current nerve injury
Prevention and treat-ment