VB是一种功能丰富、语法灵活的程序语言,已经在建模仿真领域得到了十分广泛的应用。但随着计算机仿真技术的发展,VB仅仅能做二维仿真的这一缺点已经不能适应市场的需求。Quest 3D是一种功能强大的虚拟仿真软件,它融合了当今先进的数字图像处理、计算机图形学、自动控制及各类传感器技术等多个分支领域的信息技术来模拟一个虚拟的三维空间,可以使用户无限制地感受三维空间内的事物。这篇文章通过制作一个简单的例子,详细地介绍了一种通过Ac-tiveX控件把Quest 3D 4.3与VB 6.0这两个软件之间建立起通信的方法,以便于我们充分利用这两个软件的长处,制作出更加令人满意的效果。
Visual Basic, a muti-functional and grammar-flexiable programming language, has been widely used in the field of modeling and simulation. However, with the development of modeling and simulation technology, VB has lost its advantages to fully meet the demand of the current market in that it can only achieve two-dimensional simulaiton. Quest 3D is a powerful 3-D virtual simulation software. It makes use of many technologies in various fields to simulate a virtual three-dimensional space, such as advanced digital image processing technology, computer graphics, automatic control and all kinds of sensor technology, giving users a unlimited access to the feelings of three dimensional space. This article, by making an simple example, gives a de-tailed description of a communication method mainly based on ActiveX control between Quest 3D 4.3 and VB 6.0 . Therefore we can take the advantages of each software to make better effect.
TU Shi-en,HU Yi-huai (Merchant Marine College, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 2011306, China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology