

Underwater vehicle lateral velocity estimation algorithm
摘要 为隐蔽获取水下运载器横向速度信息,提出一种实时估计算法。利用扩张状态观测器和动力学方程设计横向速度观测器,通过输入运载器自主测量的航行状态数据,实时估计横向速度.然后,使用递归序列预测方法对横向速度估计值进行二阶修正,降低传感器测量误差等外干扰对估计精度的不利影响.采用实测数据进行仿真验证.结果表明,水下运载器横向速度估计算法实现了横向速度的隐蔽实时估计,且估计精度较高. In order to obtain lateral velocity information while maintaining concealment, an estimation algorithm of lateral ve- locity is presented. This algorithm is designed based on extended states observer and hydrodynamic equation. The algorithm esti- mates lateral velocity with the other sailing states data which can be observed independently. And then, the recurrent sequences forecast method is used to modify estimation value in order to re- strain the disadvantage influence of sensor measurement error. Based on actual data, simulation results show that the estimation algorithm of lateral velocity can estimate lateral velocity inde- pendently, which achieve preferable estimation precision.
机构地区 海军潜艇学院
出处 《大连海事大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期38-41,共4页 Journal of Dalian Maritime University
关键词 水下运载器 横向速度 估计算法 动力学方程 扩张状态观测器 递归序列预测 underwater vehicle lateral velocity estimation al- gorithm hydrodynamic equation extended states observer recurrent sequences forecast
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